Power Inverter or Generator, Which is Best for Your Home?

If you’ve experienced a “tornado season” in the midwest, then you understand how valuable a backup power system can be. Rapid weather changes can cause power outages that can last for days or even weeks. You want to keep your family and your home safe during a blackout, but you might now know the best way to do so.

Backup whole-home generators and power inverters are two of the most popular options for providing the needed electricity during a blackout, but how do you know which system is best for you? 

What’s the Difference?

Essentially, power inverters and whole house generators are designed to tackle the same problem in different ways. In a power outage, both systems will automatically activate, providing your home with electricity. However, that is where the similarities end.

A whole-house backup generator is permanently connected to your home’s existing electrical system and generates electricity via a natural gas or propane-fueled engine. 

On the other hand, power inverters utilize pre-charged batteries to convert DC power to conventional AC power during a power outage.

Which Option is Better for you?

There is no one size fits all solution when it comes to a backup power solution. Deciding which system to purchase for your home boils down to factors such as budget, noise, and the amount of needed electricity.

Power Inverter Benefits and Drawbacks

If you are looking for a simple, low maintenance backup power source for your home, a power inverter may be the best choice for you. Apart from the occasional cleaning of dust filters, Inverters are pretty much self-sufficient. They will automatically charge and prepare the batteries to provide you with the power you need during a blackout. 

However, power inverters do have a few significant drawbacks, the first being price. When it comes to powering your entire home, you will be paying a significantly higher price for an inverter when compared to a generator. The second drawback to this type of system is it only provides a limited amount of power. This isn’t a problem for short outages, but for prolonged blackouts, if your batteries die, you’ll be left in the dark.

Generator Benefits and Drawbacks

With backup generators, there are some major advantages that they have over power inverters. First, During a blackout, they provide continuous power. Since the engine within a generator is fueled by natural gas or propane, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you won’t lose power a second time while your family is asleep. Additionally, unlike inverters, which can only provide AC power, generators can produce both AC and DC power for your home.

Generators are not without their drawbacks, though. They require a small amount of routine maintenance that isn’t needed with an inverter, but these tasks typically only require a few minutes to complete. Generators also produce a bit of noise when generating electricity; however, this usually isn’t a major concern in an emergency.

Premier Generator Services in Indiana

If you have questions about backup power systems or need help deciding which option is best for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of certified technicians can provide you with the information you need to make the right choice.


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